JPC School Advisory Council(SAC)
On the first of January 2020, Catholic Education WA became incorporated, (CEWA Inc.)
Incorporation has made no difference to the Teaching, Learning and Events programmes at John Paul College. It has made a difference to our Financial Reporting in particular. It has also meant that Catholic School Boards responsibilities have changed. CEWA (Inc.) have directed that Boards be replaced by School Advisory Councils (SAC) and, for 2021, SAC members are appointed for the interim period of this calendar year until the new SAC Constitution is promulgated - expected by the beginning of 2022.
CEWA has released Transition Terms of Reference for School Advisory Councils (SAC) which sits on top of the previous Catholic Schools Board Constitution.
Background of School Advisory Council
Below are the updated 'functions of the SAC'
• Planning and development advice to the Principal on meeting the present and future needs of its school students;
• Endorsing the Principal's Annual School Budget before submission to CECWA for approval and
• Supporting and advising the Principal on school financial matters such as performance against budget, sustainability and capital and recurrent planning.